Barbara Holder and Ann Hanewald get down to business cutting
shapes to explore in a composition.
This past Tuesday evening I had the pleasure of presenting my work to The Mountain-Lakes Quilters, a large quilt guild with member from a wide area of upstate South Carolina. This lecture was followed on Wednesday by a workshop entitled Finding Your Shape Vocabulary. The group was made up of some very accomplished quilters who wanted to "try something" different and we had a wonderful day working with the development of unique shapes and shape relationships.
Aija Seflic filled her table with unique and personal shapes
which she then carried into fabric.
This is a better view of some of the shapes Aija created.
The four blocks on the left show part of the composition Aija created. The block
on the right is one she carried into fabric.
Barbara Sokol created her shapes explorations with great energy and soon
had a table full of shapes to work with.
Here Barbara is starting to explore a larger composition. On the right is
Donna Barnhill who developed an interesting idea with stacked
shapes resembling stones. Very Zen.
Another view of Barbara and Donna's work in progress.
Shirley Woods and Carolyn Harris are shown here as they begin
the process of working with cut paper.
This is Carolyn's design wall showing her shapes exploration
Jean Wachs did a great job exploring.
Marilyn Wall is an acomplished quilter who is a self described
realist. She really stretched with her organic exploration.
At the end of the workshop everyone had begun their work in fabric or had their concept ready to work in fabric. The were an excellent group and I'm looking forward to seeing photographs of their finished pieces.
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