Auction Apron
This weekend I head to Onondaga Community College to teach a class for Quilting By The Lake. This event is organized by The Schweinfurth Art Center in Auburn, NY and is a well respected and beautifully run series of workshops, exhibitions and lectures.
One of the fun events every year is the auctioning of studio aprons embellished by the workshop instructors. The money raised from the auction goes toward scholarships for deserving students to next's years' workshops.
I decided to stitch a section of a pieced composition under the apron pockets along the hem. The fabric is hand dyed and machine pieced. It has also been quilted. If any of you attend I hope you bring your checkbooks and are ready to get in on the fun.
I'm hoping to be able to post a few images from the workshop so I'll see you next week from New York State.
Thank you for spending time at Studio 24-7. I love hearing from you and Remember:
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