Sunday, March 28, 2010

Golden Acrylic Workshop at USCU

Patti demonstrates how to manipulate the surface of an acrylic skin.

Friday I had the opportunity to attend a workshop in Spartanburg SC at the University of South Carolina Upstate. The workshop was sponsored by the art department headed up by Jane Allen Nodine. You may remember Jane from an Artist Profile I did of her last year.

The workshop was presented by Patti Brady who is the Working Artist Program Director for Golden Acrylic and focuses on the new line of mediums which Golden rolled out about a year ago. This line of products feature mediums for digital transfers which can be prepared and sent through printers. They can then be manipulated and layered giving rich complex surfaces.

Sample Card of Mediums with various additives which alter color and texture.

The process revolves around making acrylic skins by applying a thin layer of the different mediums onto a hard surface and then allowing them to dry. The are many components which can be added to these mediums before the skin is made and after the skin is made. When it dries you tape it to a sheet of paper and you can actually run this through an ink jet printer thus transferring an image you had prepared to the skin.

Some of My Exercises

Of special interest to many of you is the fact that these products are compatible with textiles and she showed samples of various types of fabric she had printed on. The images were very sharp and the hand of the fabric was relatively soft. These products work on natural as well as synthetic fabrics.

Here Patti demonstrates how to create a skin using one of the new mediums.

I am familiar with Patti's work and could never fathom how they were made. I don't pretend to understand all that she does in her work but seeing her demonstrate the many techniques she showed I have a bit of insight to her multi-layered and complex images. You can see some of her drop dead gorgeous work at her website:

Patti has also just recently published an excellent book titled: Rethinking Acrylic which you can order from her website or via Amazon. We purchased a copy and while it is jam packed with information, it is easy to understand and packed with photography demonstrating techniques.

As part of the workshop we received generous samples of some of many products as well as some of their paint products, an amazing hand painted color card of all their colors and several copies of JUST PAINT which is Golden Artist Colors newsletter. You can also sign up for this newsletter at : I'm not sure if it is possible but I suggest you look them up online and request Issue 20 and you can read about these new products.

Thank you Jane and USC Upstate for sponsoring this workshop and thank you Patti for sharing such exciting information.

Proof of a busy day

Thank you for dropping by and your comments and questions are always welcome.