Reunion - Tom Dimond
August 19th marked the opening of Pieced Together, an exhibition of work by my husband, Tom Dimond and myself. This is the first time we have exhibited together in many years.
The exhibition is at the Curtis R. Harley Art Gallery on the campus of the University of South Carolina Upstate and will run through September 23.
Tom and I are have chosen to present work in this exhibition which showcases some of the new ideas, materials and processes we have been exploring. While Tom is best known for his large acrylic geometric abstractions, he has recently been working on paper with mixed media and has incorporated some subtle imagery. Each piece has numerous layers of color, marks, and printed imagery. The structure of the work is inspired by tile patterns designed by the Florentine artist Paollo Uccello. The work is developed in layers, cut apart and resembled. Additional layers are often added at this point.

Nude in the Dark - Terry Jarrard-Dimond
The work I have chosen include works that incorporate the use of dye-painting, monoprinting, pieceing, applique and stitching. This body of work is the result of my desire to have numerous ways to manipulate fabric and dye. The approach to the development of this work has been what I call natural expression. For me this simply means allowing yourself the freedom to explore and experience the pure joy of the creative process.
Tom and I are looking forward to Thursday, Sept 15 at 4:30 pm when we will each give an Artist Talk in the gallery. You are invited and there is a reception following the talks!
Thank you for spending time here at Studio 24-7! I love hearing from you and remember:
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